코드브라우저 셋팅
코드브라우저 추천 셋팅
To access CodeBrowser options, select Edit >> Tool Options
1.Listing Display: Increase the font size and enable bold formatting for easier reading
2.Listing Fields >> Bytes Field: Change “Maximum Lines to Display” to 1 to simplify spacing between lines of assembly code
3.Listing Fields >> Cursor Text Highlight: Change “Mouse Button to Activate” to LEFT. This will highlight all instances of the selected text when the left mouse button is clicked (similar to other disassemblers)
4.Listing Fields >> EOL Comments Field: Check “Show Semicolon at Start of Each Line” to better separate the assembly text from inserted comments
5.Listing Fields >> Operands Field: Check “Add Space After Separator” for improved text readability
레퍼런스 참조
Windows >> Symbol References
자동화분석을 위한 스크립트 작성(맛보기 해봄)
Window >> Script Manager