리눅스 스크롤 버퍼 크기 설정
스크롤 버퍼 크기 설정
1. 모바일 Jucy 터미널 vt100으로 설정 (Screen swipe)
/etc/screenrc 파일이 vt100으로 설정 되어있기 때문...
2. screenrc 파일 값 수정
defscrollback 1024 <- 수정
You actually do have something of a buffer, but it's invisible to most terminal emulators (which is why e. g. scroll bars don't appear to work). One way to get at it is to enter copy mode (Ctrl-A,[ followed by arrow keys, PgUp, et cetera). The size of this buffer can be configured in .screenrc. You you an change its allocation inside your screen session:
Ctrl-a + : and typing
I would like to point out if you wants to change Screen settings globally (all users) then you can edit /etc/screenrc file. (Ubuntu). File path might be different on other distros.
In your case you can add the following lines to the file:
# define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines
defscrollback 1024