Cloud에 칼리 ISO 설치
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이미지 설치이기 때문에 SSH별도 설정필요함
칼리 root 2020 패스워드 수정
칼리 속도 빠른 미러사이트
>apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies tightvncserver
오류나오면 폰트 설치
>apt install xfonts-base
kali 2020 바뀐점
Kali Linux installation requirements
The installation requirements for Kali Linux vary depending on what you would like to install. On the low end, you can set up Kali as a basic Secure Shell (SSH) server with no desktop, using as little as 128 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended) and 2 GB of disk space.
On the higher end, if you opt to install the default XFCE4 desktop and the kali-linux-default meta-package, you should really aim for at least 2048 MB of RAM and 20 GB of disk space.
OSCP시험시 kali 2020 유의사항
Just use the offsec one and don't update, if you don't have kali setup already. It shouldn't make too much of a difference, but better be safe than sorry. You can update when you're done and keep your tooling, if you've built it up over the course of the lab as I am doing.
I keep both available.
I'm running 2020.1 as my main Kali just because I already had the tooling and keyboard mapping/shortcuts the way I liked it.
I use it for the labs and all the exercises so far, no issues. yet
I think for some of the BOF exercises require the OffSec version for compatibility reasons, but I haven't hit that section yet.