리버싱CTF/미분류 CTF
Internetwache CTF 2016 : SPIM
2019. 12. 30. 09:38
Internetwache CTF 2016 : SPIM
- Points : 50
- Solves : 208
- Description :
Description: My friend keeps telling me, that real hackers speak assembly fluently. Are you a real hacker?
Decode this string: "IVyN5U3X)ZUMYC
Description: My friend keeps telling me, that real hackers speak assembly fluently. Are you a real hacker?
Decode this string: "IVyN5U3X)ZUMYC
아아 어렵다....;;; 아직도 이해가 안됨
관련개념에 대한 검색과 주어진 주석을 최대한 활용했어야 했다.
주석이 알고리즘을 만드는 힌트였음..
In layman terms, in our main function, we're taking the flag which in our case is the string we're trying to decrypt:
and doing an adorable for loop to 15, as stated here: (which is the same strlen as our inputted string!~)
// var t0 = "IVyN5U3X)ZUMYCs"
[00400024] 3c081001 lui $8, 4097 [flag] ; 7: la $t0, flag
// $t1 (i) = count of loop
[00400028] 00004821 addu $9, $0, $0 ; 8: move $t1, $0
// var t2 = (i > 15) ? 1 : 0
[0040002c] 3401000f ori $1, $0, 15 ; 11: sgt $t2, $t1, 15
[00400030] 0029502a slt $10, $1, $9
// if(t2 == 1) exit we're done with the loop
[00400034] 34010001 ori $1, $0, 1 ; 12: beq $t2, 1, exit
[00400038] 102a0007 beq $1, $10, 28
// t2 = t0 + i
[0040003c] 01095020 add $10, $8, $9 ; 14: add $t2, $t0, $t1
and in this for loop we're literally taking each element in the string and xoring with the current loop count.
// var $a0 = flag[i];
[00400040] 81440000 lb $4, 0($10) ; 15: lb $a0, ($t2)
// $a0 ^= $t1 (i)
[00400044] 00892026 xor $4, $4, $9 ; 16: xor $a0, $a0, $t1
[00400048] a1440000 sb $4, 0($10) ; 17: sb $a0, 0($t2)
// i++
[0040004c] 21290001 addi $9, $9, 1 ; 19: add $t1, $t1, 1