Scenario 1 (서브도메인 IP 식별)
Imagine you are tasked with finding all of the subdomains listed on the cisco.com index
page, and then find their corresponding IP addresses. Doing this manually would be
frustrating, and time consuming.
#wget www.cisco.com
링크 도메인 주소만 추출 후 list.txt에 저장
#cat cisco-index.html | grep "href=" | cut -d "/" -f 3 | grep "\." | cut -d '"' -f 1 | sort -u > list.txt
반복물을 사용하여 host 명령어를 사용해 ip 어드레스 추출
# for url in $(cat list.txt); do host $url; done | grep "has address" | cut -d " " -f 4 | sort -u
Scenario 2 (공격자 로그 조사)
We are given an Apache HTTP server log that contains evidence of an attack. Our task
is to use simple Bash commands to inspect the file and discover various pieces of
information, such as who the attackers were, and what exactly happened on the server.
We first use the head and wc commands to take a quick peek at the log file to understand its structure.
root@kali:~# gunzip access_log.txt.gz
root@kali:~# mv access_log.txt access.log
head: 첫 라인만 출력함
root@kali:~# head access.log
wc -l: 라인 갯수 출력
root@kali:~# wc -l access.log
7 access.log
로그에서 접속 IP만 추출 (sort -u:유니크한 라인 출력)
root@kali:~# cat access.log | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort -u
IP 별 접속 빈도수 추출 (uniq -c :빈도수를 앞에 붙여줌)
#cat access.log | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -urn
특정 IP에 대하여 요청된 리소스와 접속 횟수 추출
#cat access.log | grep '' | cut -d '"' -f 2 | uniq -c
1 GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1
2 GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
1 GET /docs HTTP/1.1
# cat access.log | grep '' | grep '/admin ' | sort -u - Exercises
1. Research Bash loops and write a short script to perform a ping sweep of your
target IP range of
2. Try to do the above exercise with a higher-level scripting language such as
Python, Perl, or Ruby.
OS-69404 Yim Chan Hyuck
Penetration Testing with Kali Linux
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3. Ensure you understand the difference between directing output from a
command to a file (>) and output from a command as input to another command(|).